Open spatial software and others
For anyone just starting out in OPEN GIS or spatial technologies in general its hard to find the wright tools/software for the job. Here is a list of free and some open source, software (not just spatial ones) I use all the time.
cheers for now
- Database: Postgresql with PostGIS
- Desktop GIS: Quantum GIS
- Web Map Server: Geoserver
- Web Map Javascript Library: Openlayers
- Web Rich Internet Application (RIA): ExtJS
- Web Map RIA: Geoext
- Web Map environment: Opengeo
- Google Earth
- Spatial Libraries: FWTools, Geotools
- OpenStreetMap Import to Postgresql: osm2pgsql
- Windows Mobile 5.x, 6.x OSM data collection: osmtracker
- Scripting Languages: Python, Javascript
- Desktop Graphics: Inkscape (vector), GIMP (raster)
- Mind Mapping: FreeMind
- Screen capure: Greenshot (windows only)
- Text editor: Notepad++ (windows only)
- Versioning subversion: Tortoise SVN (windows)
- Virtual Machines: VMWare Player
- Operating Systems: Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10
- Windows Explorer: Total Commander
- Organizing: Keepass
- Zipping: Izarc
- Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Eclipse, Aptana, PyCharm
- Web Project tracking: trac
- Business Software OpenERP for customer relation managment, and project management
cheers for now
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