How to delete a Geoserver layer using the Geoserver API with Python and Requests
How to delete a Geoserver Layer using the Geoserver API with Python and Requests.
We assume you have basic authentication on your Geoserver instance.
## Python Code ###
import requests
def delete_layer(layer_name):
s = requests.Session()
GEOSERVER_USER = 'someusername'
GEOSERVER_PASS = 'asecretthingy'
headers_json = {'Content-type': 'application/json', }del_url = "https:/" + layer_name + "?recurse=true"
r = s.delete(del_url, headers=headers_json, data={})
- Create a requests session
- Enter your geoserver usernmame and password. A more secure way to do this would be to use dot env or simply have the environemental variables on the server already in place
- Pass in basic authentication to requests
- I choose the JSON api application content-type but Geoserver also support XML if thats your thing.
- Create your URL. Here the "?recurse=true" is needed as a layer could be in a group. A 403 will be returned if this is missing
- Make the DELETE request by passing in your URL and header data.
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