Stack font awesome icons with openlayers
I'm using fontawesome 4.7 and openlayers 5.2 in my project and wanted to create the stacked icon effect. Basically I want to have two font icons on top of each other. My code example is using a red circle for the background and a black flag for the foreground.
My first codepen attempt worked out not so bad:
NOTE this is broken for openlayers versions 4.4.+ to 4.6.5:
OL BUG fix
If you just want to see the javascript part I also created a github gist
My first codepen attempt worked out not so bad:
NOTE this is broken for openlayers versions 4.4.+ to 4.6.5:
OL BUG fix
**CLICK RERUN** bottom right inside codepen
if you cannot see a red circle with a flag
if you cannot see a red circle with a flag
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