AutoCAD import x,y,z csv data points
How to import a text file of CSV data with x,y, z 3D points.
I though this might be hard but its really not. The most work is in preparing the data.
- Create a clean CSV text file with only x,y,z values like this with NO headers:
the first column is the X coordinate, second column is the Y coordinate, and the third column is the Z coordinate, all separated by a comma ,
it is important to note that I am using ACAD 2011 German (Deutsch). This means your coordinates must be with a . decimal separator NOT a comma, which is normally the case with German coordinates and numbers.
2. Open ACAD with an empty template
3. Click create POINT
4. Copy the text file contents with STRG-C or CTRL-C on english keyboard
5. Then PASTE directly into the command line with STRG-V or CTRL-V
6. Hit escape
7. Save your new DWG with save
This was easy but not intuitive on my first attempt :)
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