Geoserver batch create layers from Postgis
Goal is to automatically slurp up all tables in the Postgresql Postgis database in the schema "geodata" and create the geoserver layers. Then we want to assign a SLD to the layer. Finally create a layer group.Prerequisites:
- Postgresql PostGIS database exists
- Geoserver Workspace exists (demo_wrkspc)
- Geoserver Datastore exists (temp_datastore)
- Text file list of all table names (tablelist.txt)
- curl is installed
- SLD style is created and located in a workspace
- OS: ran on CentOS 6.3
my bash script saved as upload_db.shwhile read p; do
curl -u username:password -v -XPOST -H 'Content-Type:text/xml' -d '<featureType><name>'$p'</name></featureType>' http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspaces/demo_wrkspc/datastores/temp_datastore/featuretypes;
done < tablelist.txt
tablelist.txt is a list of the table names in my database here are 3 tables i have in my list. (originally i had 75 tables)
Next asign an SLD to a layer
- nameOfWorkspace = the name of your workspace
- nameOfSLD = the name of the SLD you have created
- defaultStyle true will check the check box style is enabled
- advertised false will unselect the check box advertised
- nameOfWorkspace:NameOfLayer this is layer you want to assign the sld to
curl -u username:password -v -XPUT -H 'Content-Type:text/xml' -d '<layer><defaultStyle><workspace>nameOfworkspace</workspace><name>nameOfSLD</name></defaultStyle><enabled>true</enabled><advertised>false</advertised></layer>' http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/layers/nameOfWorkspace:NameOfLayer
Bonus create a layer group
- @ug01.xml is an xml file looks like this
curl -u username:password -XPOST -d @ug01.xml -H 'Content-type: text/xml' http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/layergroups
ReplyDeleteI have a PostGIS database with several tables, and GeoServer 2.3.0 under WinXP.
I need to publish to geoserver the polygons from my tables. But the admin of geoserver only let me one layer at time. How can I make to publish all the datas to layers?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Daniel,
Deletesorry but the "Admin" page cannot do batch adding of all postgis geo tables. You will need to use the Geoserver API as I described above with the tools above to do it. Sorry but this method described above is under Ubuntu or CentOS Linux.
You would need to write the "bash" script above into a windows .bat (batch) file and install "Curl" for windows.
Something like this (this has only been tested on my pc.. so watch out!):
Delete@echo off
REM -----------------------------------------------------
REM Created by S.S. Brandsma (sbrandsma - at - gmail)
REM This script can be used to import all shapefiles in current directory and subdirectories into a postgresql database
REM A new database will be created that is specified as the first parameter. The script will first attemt to drop this database!
REM Each shapefile will be a new table in the new database and will automatically be published by using the Geoserver rest API
REM This script can really harm your databases if you don't know what you're doing.
REM Please only use when you fully understand the script!
REM Disclaimer: I'm not responsible for any damage caused by this script
REM -----------------------------------------------------
IF "%1"=="" GOTO usage
REM first parameter specified is database to be created
set pgsql_binpath=D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.1\bin
REM You can get curl for win here:
set curl_binpath=D:\curl
REM -----------------------------------------------------
REM Geoserver STUFF
REM -----------------------------------------------------
set geoserver_host=http://localhost:8080
set geoserver_workspace=test
set geoserver_database=%1
set geoserver_username=admin
set geoserver_password=geoserver
REM -----------------------------------------------------
REM -----------------------------------------------------
set pgsql_username=postgres
set pgsql_password=postgres
set pgsql_port=5432
set pgsql_host=localhost
set pgsql_srid=4326
REM template_postgis_20 for PostGis 2.0
REM template_postgis for PostGis 1.6 or older (?)
set pgsql_template=template_postgis
REM Usually you don't need to change the following executables
set shp2pgsql="%pgsql_binpath%\shp2pgsql.exe"
set pgsql="%pgsql_binpath%\psql.exe"
set createdb="%pgsql_binpath%\createdb.exe"
set dropdb="%pgsql_binpath%\dropdb.exe"
REM -----------------------------------------------------
SET /P ANSWER=This script will delete [%1] postgresql database but you'll have to delete the geoserver datastore yourselves!! Continue (y/n)?
if /i {%ANSWER%}=={y} (goto :yes)
if /i {%ANSWER%}=={yes} (goto :yes)
goto :no
echo Ok. Nothing is deleted.
goto :exit
echo Deleting %1 database
REM drop database
%dropdb% --host %pgsql_host% --username %pgsql_username% --port %pgsql_port% %1
REM create new database
%createdb% --host %pgsql_host% --username %pgsql_username% --port %pgsql_port% --template %pgsql_template% %1
for /f "delims=" %%f IN ('dir /b /s *.shp') do %shp2pgsql% -D -W "latin1" -I -s %pgsql_srid% "%%f" %1_%%~nf > %%~nf.sql
for /f "delims=" %%f IN ('dir /b /s *.sql') do %pgsql% -q -f "%%f" -p %pgsql_port% --host=%pgsql_host% --username=%pgsql_username% -d %1
REM create geoserver datastore
%curl_binpath%\curl -u %geoserver_username%:%geoserver_password% -v -XPOST -H Content-type:text/xml -d "%1localhost%pgsql_port%%1public%pgsql_username%%pgsql_password%postgis" %geoserver_host%/geoserver/rest/workspaces/%geoserver_workspace%/datastores
REM publish all layers in geoserver
for /f "delims=" %%f IN ('dir /b /s *.shp') do %curl_binpath%\curl -u %geoserver_username%:%geoserver_password% -v -XPOST -H Content-Type:text/xml -d "%1_%%~nf" %geoserver_host%/geoserver/rest/workspaces/%geoserver_workspace%/datastores/%1/featuretypes
rem cleanup of sql files
for /f "delims=" %%f IN ('dir /b /s *.sql') do del %%f
goto done
echo Done!
goto :exit
echo Usage: %0 [database]
echo The database specified will be created or overwritten!!