From 2.1.1 to 2.1.2, Ubuntu 10.04 Server, Tomcat6
Note: all those commands need to be done as root (or alternatively, run sudo before the command)
- Stop Apache tomcat:
/etc/init.d/tomcat stop
- Backup the your directories, this could be different from your own installation: /var/geoserver-data, /opt/tomcat/webapps/geoserver/
tar -cf geoserver-data-nov-17.tar /var/geoserver-data # takes quite long on current geoserver installation (orthofotos, ...)
gzip geoserver-data-nov-17.tar
tar -cf geoserver-app-nov-17.tar /opt/tomcat/webapps/geoserver
gzip geoserver-app-nov-17.tar
- Additionally, backup web.xml file from WEB-INF directory:
cp /opt/tomcat/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/web.xml web-backup-nov17.xml
- Download latest (in this case: 2.1.2) geoserver version (war archive)
- Unzip it
- Copy it to the tomcat webapps directory
cp geoserver.war /opt/tomcat/webapps/geoserver.war
- Delete old geoserver installation
rm -rf /opt/tomcat/webapps/geoserver/
- Start Tomcat again
/etc/init.d/tomcat start
- Wait... (this can take a while, monitor CPU usage via htop or other tools)
- Check /opt/tomcat/webapps/ directory, you should see a subdirectory geoserver very soon
ls -la /opt/tomcat/webapps/
- Verify that new geoserver version is running by trying to access
- We're not done yet, let's put the old configuration file in place again:
cp web-backup-nov17.xml /opt/tomcat/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/web.xml
- Restart tomcat once again and all should be good in update land.
/etc/init.d/tomcat restart
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